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 What You Need to Know

Contraception is a way of preventing unwanted pregnancies and planning the number and spacing of children. Contraception can help you improve your health and well-being, as well as your education and career opportunities. Contraception can also help you reduce poverty and environmental pressure by slowing down population growth. Contraception is a choice that can empower you to make informed decisions about your reproductive rights and options.
Contraception is a way of showing love and care for yourself and your partner.
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What are the common questions and concerns about contraception?

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What are the religious and cultural views on contraception?

Religion and culture can have a significant influence on people’s attitudes and   behaviors towards contraception. Different religions and cultures may have different views on the morality, acceptability, and appropriateness of using contraception. Some of the common religious and cultural views on contraception are:

  • Some religions and cultures support contraception as a way of promoting responsible parenthood, family planning, and health.
  • Some religions and cultures oppose contraception as a way of respecting the sanctity of life, natural law, and divine will.
  • Some religions and cultures have mixed or conditional views on contraception, depending on the type, purpose, and circumstances of use.

Religious and cultural views on contraception can vary widely within and across groups, depending on the level of knowledge, interpretation, and practice of each individual or community. It is important to respect the diversity of beliefs and values that people may have about contraception, while also ensuring that they have access to accurate information and quality services that meet their needs and preferences.

How to get support and advice on contraception?

Contraception is a personal and important decision that requires support and advice from reliable and trustworthy sources. Some of the ways to get support and advice on contraception are:

  • Talk to your partner, family, friends, or peers who have experience or knowledge about contraception. They may be able to share their opinions, preferences, or stories with you.

  • Visit a health care provider, such as a doctor, nurse, midwife, or pharmacist, who can offer you professional and confidential advice on contraception. They can help